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Good evening, ladies! I hope you’ve been having a good week and enjoying the study so far. Let’s dive into Genesis 29-35 and learn how God moved in Rachel’s life.

When I first think of Rachel I instantly think of how she had to wait 14 years before she could marry Jacob. Imagine the pain she felt when her father said that Jacob had to marry Leah first before he could marry Rachel. Think about the pain she felt when she watched her sister marry the man she loved. After 14 years they finally get married, but Jacob’s loyalty was now divided between the sisters, and they would compete with each other for Jacob’s favor. That couldn’t have been easy for Rachel to be pitted against her own sister. Later on, we learn that Jacob loved Rachel, but it wasn’t enough for her. While her sister gave Jacob 10 sons, Rachel was childless. Rachel felt bitter and probably felt forgotten, worthless, and alone. Her life definitely did not turn out the way she thought it would.

 But God remembered Rachel (Genesis 30:22). When Rachel felt forgotten, worthless, and alone, she was seen by the God who created her. God blessed her with Joseph and Benjamin and He would use them in His perfect plan. Even though her life didn’t turn out the way she wanted it to, God Still used her. God will use you and your story to tell people about His goodness. He is deserving of our praise through all things. If you feel alone, rejected, worthless, forgotten, God sees you! He remembers you! He hasn’t forsaken you.

Let’s discuss what we just read. I have some questions that I want you to think about, write them down, and if you’d like to comment below we can discuss them together!

  1. What did we learn about God and His character in the life of Rachel?
  2. What character qualities, positive or negative, do we see in Rachel’s life?
  3. What can I learn from Rachel’s story and apply it to my own life?

God uses our brokenness for His glory. He sees us, He redeems us, and He enacts his perfect plan for our good. Our God is a God who sees. He will use our emptiness for His good and is always faithful.

            “Even if you feel alone and rejected. He sees you” (Daughters of Grace).

Well, ladies, we are finishing the first week of our devotionals together! As we wrap this week up I want you to answer a few more questions. Make sure you’re comfortable, get your coffee, your blanket, and let’s reflect on this week.

  1. Which woman stuck out to you the most this week and why?
  2. What did you observe from this week’s reading about God and His character?
  3. What does this week’s reading teach about the condition of mankind and about yourself?
  4. How does this week’s reading point to the gospel?
  5. How should you respond to this week’s reading? What is the personal application?
  6. What specific action steps can you take to apply this week’s reading?

I hope you enjoy this study and decide to come back. Next week we’ll start with Leah and see how God moved in her life. I hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset that was made by our loving Father and y’all have a wonderful night.

“Now without faith, it is impossible to please God, since the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6