Open your Bible to Luke 1:5-80 and we’ll learn about Elizabeth.
In the beginning of Luke, we are introduced to Elizabeth and the fact that God made her a part of His plan generations ago. When we meet her and Zechariah, we see that they were both righteous and walked blameless before the Lord. They were exactly where God had placed them, being obedient, and living righteous lives. Zechariah was a priest and he was chosen to enter the temple and burn incense. Zechariah was to offer the incense and pray for the nation and the Messiah to come, but Zechariah also had a prayer of his own. He was praying for a son. He was familiar with the story of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Hannah’s prayers, and hoped that he too would be blessed as they had been. During his prayer an angel of the Lord appeared to him and said that his prayer had been heard. Elizabeth would have a son. Zechariah doubted the words of the angel; even after praying for a son, he still doubted the Lord. Gabriel said that since he doubted he would not be able to speak until it came to pass.
God did what He said He would do and they had a son. When Mary went to visit Elizabeth during her pregnancy, Elizabeth exclaimed that the baby in her womb leap for joy at the sound of Mary’s voice. The baby recognized the presence of the Messiah. When Elizabeth had her son and the time came to announce the baby’s name, she named him John, as the angel of the Lord commanded. Zechariah wrote the name John and his lips were opened. When his lips were opened, he praised the Lord for all that He had done and for who He was. After waiting many years they both finally had their heart’s desire.
God blessed them with a child, but it was in His timing. God knows what He’s doing and we need to praise Him in the waiting. Sometimes that is so difficult. Just like Hannah’s prayer, she wept before the Lord for a child. God gave them a son who would prepare the way for the Messiah.
Let’s discuss what we just read. I have some questions that I want you to think about, write them down, and if you’d like to comment below we can discuss them together!
1. What did we learn about God and His character in the life of Elizabeth?
2. What character qualities, positive or negative, do we see in Elizabeth’s life?
3. What can I learn from Elizabeth’s story and apply it to my own life?
How often are our lives the same way? We are called to love the Lord and be faithful to Him. Waiting is difficult, but it is always worth it in the end. We may not understand everything that He is doing, but we can know that He is faithful. He will always be faithful to us. Even when we do not understand His plan, we can always trust Him and know that He is asking us to be faithful to Him.
I hope you enjoy this study and decide to come back. Tomorrow we’ll learn about Mary, the Mother of Jesus and see how God moved in her life. I hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset that was made by our loving Father and y’all have a wonderful night.