Hello everyone, let’s dive in and learn about the Woman with Two Coins. Read Mark 12:41-44 & Luke 21:1-4.
We don’t know her name but we do know that this woman had complete faith and trust in the Lord. While the rich were putting in large sums and basically making a show that day as they dropped their great offerings into the box, this woman gave everything she had, and the sum was a penny. This woman only had a penny and she gave it to the Lord knowing He would take care of her.
It would’ve been easy for her to feel that there was no reward in giving since she had so little, but her heart was pure and her love for God was sincere. It took great faith for her to put her two mites into that box. Jesus saw her. There was so many people, but Jesus saw her.
So often, we believe that unless we have great gifts, talents, or are constantly serving that we have nothing to give. We feel that we fall short of serving Jesus and helping others, so we push ourselves into exhaustion. Jesus sees us. He sees us serving in the simple things, the way we teach our kids, how we treat others with kindness, how we help others whenever we can. They may not seem like big things to us, but to Him, they are great! God just wants our hearts. He wants us to love, to serve, and to have faith. He wants woman with hearts that are fully dedicated to Him.
Let’s discuss what we just read. I have some questions that I want you to think about, write them down, and if you’d like to comment below we can discuss them together!
- What did we learn about God and His character in the life of the Woman with Two Coins?
- What character qualities, positive or negative, do we see in the Woman with Two Coins life?
- What can I learn from the Woman with Two Coins story and apply it to my own life?
We all have special gifts- it’s what makes us a body of Christ. We all have our special roll and He created us with a purpose. Jesus sees us right where we are. He is pleased when we serve Him- even our most humble offerings become a symphony of praise to our Savior when they are given out of a heart of Love for our God.
Well, ladies, we are finishing the fifth week of our devotionals together! As we wrap this week up I want you to answer a few more questions. Make sure you’re comfortable, get your coffee, your blanket, and let’s reflect on this week.
- Which woman stuck out to you the most this week and why?
- What did you observe from this week’s reading about God and His character?
- What does this week’s reading teach about the condition of mankind and about yourself?
- How does this week’s reading point to the gospel?
- How should you respond to this week’s reading? What is the personal application?
- What specific action steps can you take to apply this week’s reading?
“Casting all your cares on Him, because He cares about you”. 1 Peter 5:7
I hope you enjoy this study and decide to come back. Next week we’ll start with Mary Magdalene and see how God moved in her life. I hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset that was made by our loving Father and y’all have a wonderful night.