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Hi ladies, we are only the final day of Daughters of Grace series! I learned so much from these women and I hope you did as well. Let’s read about Priscilla- open your Bibles to Acts 18-19; Romans 16:3-4; and 1 Corinthians 16:19.

Although we don’t know much about Priscilla, we do know she was a woman who served God. She said “yes” to the Lord and served Him in all things. Priscilla also had a huge impact on the foundation of the early church.  When we meet Pricilla in Acts, Paul came to stay and work with her and her husband in their tent-making business. Priscilla was a woman of hospitality and was industrious.

Later on, we read that Priscilla and her husband, Aquila, lived in Corinth. This is where Paul was teaching and serving the Lord. Priscilla and her husband became missionaries and went with Paul to spread the Gospel. This woman taught Apollos about Jesus. Apollos would later on continue to minister and encourage many because of Priscilla and her husband. The thing I take away from this you never know who you might influence. We could make a big impact on someone and they could become the next Apollos. You never know.

Pricilla’s acts of obedience may have seemed small during that time, but she made a big impact. Each step of obedience was an act of worship that would have a tremendous impact on the early church. It all started when she opened her home to Paul. She became one of the first missionaries, to teaching sound doctrine to the young Apollos, who have a great impact for the Lord, and risking her life for Paul and for the sake of the Gospel. Priscilla was a woman who lived her daily life to serve the Lord and those around her.

Let’s discuss what we just read. I have some questions that I want you to think about, write them down, and if you’d like to comment below we can discuss them together!

  1. What did we learn about God and His character in the life of Priscilla?
  2. What character qualities, positive or negative, do we see in Priscilla’s life?
  3. What can I learn from Priscilla’s story and apply it to my own life?

Priscilla reminds us to serve the Lord every day. She reminds us that even if it seems small to you, it could be a huge impact without you knowing. Every act of service is an act of worship and obedience. I understand that sometimes our small contributions feel insignificant, but no act of service is insignificant to God.

“Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10

Well, ladies, we are finished our devotionals together! As we wrap this study up I want you to answer a few more questions. Make sure you’re comfortable, get your coffee, your blanket, and let’s reflect on this week.

  1. Which woman stuck out to you the most this week and why?
  2. What did you observe from this week’s reading about God and His character?
  3. What does this week’s reading teach about the condition of mankind and about yourself?
  4. How does this week’s reading point to the gospel?
  5. How should you respond to this week’s reading? What is the personal application?
  6. What specific action steps can you take to apply this week’s reading?

“He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” 2 Corinthians 5:21

I hope you enjoyed this study and decide to come back. Next week we’ll start with a new study- More Than Anything. I hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset that was made by our loving Father and y’all have a wonderful night.