Today we are going to learn how we can idolize Busyness. Open your bibles to Luke 10:38-42 & Ephesians 5:15-17.
Idolizing busyness can come in different forms. It can look like rushing from one thing to the next always on the go or wanting to be busy so you create busyness and consistently looking for something to do because it seems better then being still. In this busyness we tend to push God to the side and focus on what we need to do or do what we want to do and choose to ignore God. Martha is a great example of busyness. She was so focused on what needed to be done that she forgot Jesus. Even though she was preparing things because of Jesus, she still forgot Him. She forgot to be still and just be with Him. Martha was devoted to her tasks and not Jesus.
We can identify as an idol in our lives by asking ourselves if these same things for us. Are we pushing God aside to get our work done so that we can spend time with Him? Honey, that is like putting our show on first and then the sock. Being with our precious Lord and Savior should be our first priority. If we are looking at the number of things we can do and accomplish in a day as a measure of worth- it has become your idol. If our days are ruled by deadlines and time restraints- it has become your idol. If we are unable to relinquish our schedules, tasks, and plans to God- it has become your idol.
Now, some might ask about being busy in church and doing what God is calling them to do. Jesus even took the time to be still before the Lord and knew when to rest. Just because it is the Lord’s work does not mean we have to drive ourselves into the ground. That is not what God calls us to do. Jesus shows us through prayer and rest, we can resist the temptation to idolize our busyness. Prayer leads us to examine our hearts and attention towards God. Spending time in prayer gives us opportunities to slow down and take ourselves out of self-consumed schedules.
Let’s discuss what we just read. I have some questions that I want you to think about, write them down, and if you’d like to comment below we can discuss them together!
- How does busyness affect the way you live? How are you affected by an empty schedule or idle time?
- How can you relate with the story of Martha in regard to busyness?
- In what ways does the ministry of Jesus reveal a difference in being busy with your own work and being busy with the Lord’s work?
- What does it look like to turn from the idol of busyness?
When we slow down, it provides the opportunity to ask God what He would desire for us to accomplish and how can we honor and worship Him in our daily lives. Jesus shows us that it is okay to slow down and rest. Our bodies grow exhausted and it is important to listen. We need physical and mental rest. This will look different for everyone but we all need it. When we are faced with the temptation of staying busy, we must remember to praise God in every moment. God works all things for the good of His people and for the glory of His name.
I hope you enjoy this study and decide to come back. Tomorrow, we’ll learn about control and learn how it can become an idol. I hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset that was made by our loving Father and y’all have a wonderful night.