Hello everyone! I apologize for the delay- I’ve been sick and trying to get everything back on track. Today we are going to learn about how our appearances can become idols. Open your Bibles to Colossians 3:1-17 and Philippians 1:20.
I believe this is something we all go through. We care what we look like and how it makes us fit in with todays society. We care how we look and how it affects our lives. It goes beyond personal appearance, it goes into how we decorate our homes, how our marriages look, what our job titles are, how our parenting looks, or how our ministry looks. We present ourselves to a watching world, the question is, does our appearance honor God? Is my pursuit of appearance leading me to sin? These are such important questions to ask ourselves.
Keeping up our appearances is not something new in todays cultural. In the New Testament, the Pharisees would honor the Lord with their words but would dishonor Him with their actions. Their outward appearance seemed very different from what was in their hearts. When we are unable to present ourselves honestly and honorably in order to keep a certain appearance- we have made it an idol in our lives. If we are unwilling to relinquish our appearance at the cost of falling into sin and dishonoring the Lord, it has become an idol.
Scripture reminds us that we are representatives of Jesus. The world is watching us and how we behave, if we continue to follow how the world wants us, then why would anyone choose to follow Jesus? We are held to a higher standard, and sometimes it stinks. It can be tiring of always being the bigger person and trying to live to a higher standard. Thankfully, we don’t have to do it alone. We aren’t supposed to carry that alone. We have Jesus. We aren’t supposed to be perfect, but we do need to die to ourselves daily and strive to behave like Jesus.
Let’s discuss what we just read. I have some questions that I want you to think about, write them down, and if you’d like to comment below we can discuss them together!
- What is the idol of appearance? How might you be tempted to make an idol out of your appearance?
- In what ways can the idol of appearance tempt you to sin?
- How does scripture call us to live as representatives of Christ? How does this involve putting off being a representative of ourselves (Colossians 3:1-17)?
- How can we replace the idol of appearance with a desire to represent Christ with our lives?
Idolizing our appearance leads us to believe there is a better way of presenting ourselves then as representatives of Christ. Look at it this way, when we put ourselves first, it is like we take off the royal robes we have been given and we are putting on our old rags. I don’t know about you but I’d rather keep the royal robes. But I am just as guilty of putting on my old rags as anybody else. When we truly believe that we are the heirs of Jesus, we find a confidence and assurance solely in our blood-bought salvation. We have the opportunity as Christians to be living, breathing examples of the gospel. Our lives can reflect the good news of Jesus to all who see and listen. Without even realizing, I am an example to others who don’t know Christ. You can also be the example that others see and are thankful for your kindness, your compassion, your honesty, and your love. I want my actions and words to please and honor the Lord and to be the example of Christ for others that haven’t been shown true love.
I hope you enjoy this study and decide to come back. Tomorrow, we’ll learn about body image and learn how it can become an idol. I hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset that was made by our loving Father and y’all have a wonderful night.