Category: Daughters of Grace


  • The Hebrew Midwives

    Today we’re going to read about women who showed such courage during a time of fear. So get cozy, open your Bible, and when you’re ready, read Exodus 1. Now the chapter starts talking about Jacob and his family and how their families grew while in Egypt. After some time a new pharaoh was over… Read more

  • Leah

    I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are ready to dive into the story of Leah. Let’s get in our happy spaces and dive in. Read Genesis 29-35. When I think of Leah, I think of the older sister who took delight in hurting her younger sister and marrying the man she loved… Read more

  • Rachel

    Good evening, ladies! I hope you’ve been having a good week and enjoying the study so far. Let’s dive into Genesis 29-35 and learn how God moved in Rachel’s life. When I first think of Rachel I instantly think of how she had to wait 14 years before she could marry Jacob. Imagine the pain… Read more

  • Rebekah

    Today we are going to learn about Rebekah. Let’s read Genesis 24-28. When we meet Rebekah, she is a young woman who is full of faith. She is clearly kind and is willing to help a stranger, not realizing that she is changing her life in the process. She had faith in God’s plan for… Read more

  • Hagar

    Today we are going to talk about Hagar from Genesis 16 and 21. Hagar was Sarah’s servant and Abraham’s second wife. Sarah was so hurried to give Abraham a son that she had Abraham sleep with Hagar, her handmaiden. Hager conceived and had a son- Ishmael. Can you imagine being in Hager’s shoes? She was… Read more

  • Sarah

    Today we are going to learn about Sarah in Genesis 12-23! Sarah is known as the mother of Israel. When Sarah is first mentioned in Genesis 12, she is 65 years old. As we’ve read, Sarah was described as very beautiful even in her old age, which is what most women today strive for. During… Read more

  • Welcome! I’m so excited you’re here.

    Hello ladies! Welcome to the first blog post of Sunsets with Jesus! I am so excited for us to grow in fellowship with one another and to see how the Lord speaks to each of us. So, be basic and grab some coffee or tea, grab your favorite blanket, get comfy, and let’s spend some… Read more