We are going to learn about Control and how it can become an idol. Open your Bibles to Jeremiah 17:5-8 and Ephesians 1:20-23.
I know a lot of people can struggle with control. I struggled with this when I was younger, but I always tend to do things the hard way and would fight God for control- smart right? As I got older, I would talk with God about this, somethings I would be angry with Him and yell, but He never stopped showing me His grace. I finally became weary of the fight and handed my control over to the Lord. Sometimes I still struggle with control and wanting things to happen when I want them to. God is still teaching and showing me things in my impatience and I am very thankful for the wait… sometimes 😉.
How do you struggle with control? Is it over finances, wanting to control people, control over your life or when things happen? We are only in control over behaviors, nothing more. We can control how we speak, how we react, and our relationship with God. It sucks I know, but nothing is better then handing our struggles over to the One who created and shaped you. There are two steps to give over this idol. The first is praying and asking Him to take it. The second is the hardest part- surrendering it over to Him. We can pray and ask Him all day long, but if we do not actively hand it over to Him we will fail and probably blame Him for our struggle.
A great example is Sarah and Abraham. God promised them a son and Sarah grew impatient. She had her servant, Hagar bear Abraham a son, thinking she outsmarted God. Eventually, Sarah became jealous and threw Hagar out of their home. When have we been like Sarah? When was a time you became impatient with God’s timing so you took control. How did it work out? For me, not so great. In God’s perfect timing Sarah had a son- God fulfilled His promise. He always does.
Let’s discuss what we just read. I have some questions that I want you to think about, write them down, and if you’d like to comment below we can discuss them together!
- What is the idol of control? In what ways might you be tempted to idolize control?
- How does Jeremiah 17:5-8 compare trusting in ourselves to trusting in the Lord? In what ways does this passage help you fight against the desire to take control and trust in yourselves?
- What does it look like to repent of and relinquish control in your own life?
God is eager and willing to receive us. Just as He comforted Sarah in her distress, so He will also comfort His people. Even when we are faithless, God remains faithful (2 Timothy 2:13). God can use any opportunity to make us trust and rely on Him. Each opportunity develops a greater understanding that in all things, we must give up our desire for control and hold fast onto the faithfulness of Jesus.
I hope you enjoy this study and decide to come back. Tomorrow, we’ll learn about comfort and learn how it can become an idol. I hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset that was made by our loving Father and y’all have a wonderful night.