Hi ladies! We are week five of our study- just one more week to go! I pray you’ve gained some knowledge and grown in your faith. The fun isn’t over quite yet, open your Bibles to Luke 7:36-49.
For the most part I think we are all familiar with the woman who cleaned Jesus’ feet with her hair. For me, that is as far as my knowledge goes… until today. This woman was known as the sinful woman; we don’t know what her sins were, but that is not the point of her story. Let’s go back a moment: Jesus was invited to a dinner party of a prestigious Pharisee, but for what reason? For this woman to show others that Jesus is gracious and loving towards the broken and the outcasts. As Jesus was sitting this woman comes out of nowhere with her alabaster box of oil. She anointing His feet with her tears, then the oil, and wipes His feet with her hair and kissing His feet.
Of course, everyone is shocked for a few reasons. First Jesus let this sinful woman to anoint His feet, and she came out of nowhere. The Pharisee, who was hosting the dinner certainly must’ve been confused and wondered if Jesus was even a prophet since He allowed such things to happen. Jesus began to tell a story of a debt collector, and two men who owed him. One man had a greater debt than the other, but the moneylender forgave them both. Jesus asked the guests which man would love the moneylender more- obviously it was the man who owed more. Jesus pointed out that the woman had been forgiven much and was loved much. Jesus turned to her and said her sins were forgiven and that her faith had saved her.
Let’s discuss what we just read. I have some questions that I want you to think about, write them down, and if you’d like to comment below we can discuss them together!
- What did we learn about God and His character in the life of the Sinful Woman?
- What character qualities, positive or negative, do we see in the Sinful Woman’s life?
- What can I learn from the Sinful Woman’s story and apply it to my own life?
This woman was so desperate to get to Jesus and she did whatever she had to do to get to Him. She gave Him everything she had and poured out her heart and her tears to Jesus. She placed her faith in His saving grace and she was able to go in peace. When did we respond to Jesus this way? That we gave Him everything we have to show Him how much we love Him. We have been saved from a great debt of sin- are we willing to respond in the same manner? We should be desperate to get to Jesus and be eager to pour out our hearts and our worship to the One who we love- the One that has changed everything for us with His love and forgiveness. We love Him greatly because we have been forgiven greatly.
I hope you enjoy this study and decide to come back. Tomorrow we’ll start with the Woman with the Issue of Blood and see how God moved in her life. I hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset that was made by our loving Father and y’all have a wonderful night.