Alright ladies, it is time to do some strength training! It is time we fight back against the one who schemes against us, who seeks to destroy us, and everyone we hold dear. It is time to go to war. Open your Bibles and read Ephesians 6:10-19. We will go over a few over verses in Ephesians as well.
If you have done this study by Priscilla Shirer then you already know what we will be going over. Since we just learned about giving everything over to the Lord and loving Him above everything else, I thought this was the best way to start off our New Year. Ladies, we are fighting for our spiritual awakening. We are going to battle with the enemy, the one who tries to steal everything that is good and holy, the one who wants to steal our joy, the one who HATES us with his entire being. Jesus has already won the victory and concurred death. We need to win the battles. In Ephesians 6:12, I want you to circle what the Bible says you aren’t wrestling with and underline what you are wrestling with. We are not fighting against our families, we aren’t fighting against the person who frustrates you at work or the person who drives you crazy the most, we are fighting the spiritual battle against Satan. These people are not the real problem. Satan is. Read Ephesians 1:18-21 and 3:14-19, write down as many details as you can pick up about the intention of Paul’s prayers. The best thing we can do to destroy him is pray. Prayer is what opens us up to the Lord, prayer is when we are closet to the Father. This is why the enemy detested when we pray, because we are proving that we believe in our God and we are aware of the power that lives in us through Him.
Now, I want you to KNOW the tools we have and my greatest prayer is that you use them. I want the enemy to be scared to come near you or your family! Now, we will face our trials and we will be tested, but that is when you remember who you are and you use the tools God has given you. Read Ephesians 1:3, 1:7-8, 1:13, and 1:18-19. We are given spiritual blessings, redemption, forgiveness, grace, wisdom, understanding, we are given His truth, the Holy Spirit, hope, we are called, we are inheritors, we are given power, and belief! What an awesome God we serve!
Let’s start using the acronym PRAY for intentional prayer.
Praise- give God the praise every day, He is worthy!
Repentance- this word always confused me. Growing up, I thought that repenting was getting on your knees and begging for forgiveness. What this word actually means is asking for forgivenesses and choosing to be better. Ask for repentance where you are resisting Him. As Him to take away whatever is holds you back and stop resisting against what He has I store for you.
Ask- Make your desires and your requests known. He is our Father and He wants a personal relationship with you.
Yes- say yes to what He asks of you. You won’t always understand the why behind everything, I still don’t understand the why behind my mother passing, but I know He has my very best interests at heart and I want to say yes to whatever He asks of me.
I hope you enjoy this study and decide to come back. Tomorrow we will go over Undisguised. I hope you enjoy the beautiful sunset that was made by our loving Father and y’all have a wonderful night.